Institutional Private Placements

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Our Process

We find the right lender for your situation

Omega Capital Advisors has long-standing professional relationships with a wide variety of financing sources: banks, commercial finance companies, SBICs, venture capitalists, hedge funds, family offices, leasing companies and insurance companies.

We know the marketplace, and the specific requirements, risk tolerance, industry preferences, deal sizes and lending capacities of a wide range of financing sources who are currently making loans.

Our professional staff will review your needs and your resources, and will analyze your financial plan. We will then prepare and present a thoroughly detailed investment memorandum or 'book' to lenders who we know are most likely to be receptive to your loan request.

By identifying multiple potential suitable lenders, we can seek out the most competitive financing available to you.

We have the knowledge, experiences and relationships to find the financing you need.


Omega Capital Advisors  |  Institutional Private Placements  |  213.760.1750  |  |  © 2023